Keep your doctors by knowing your healthcare plan!
There is no substitute for the amount of trust a patient places in their primary care provider (PCP). The amount of peace of mind granted by using one doctor who knows you, knows your health and is capable to pin your exact needs is where the only source of comfort comes from when going to the doctor’s office in the first place.
It is essential to know what Medicare or Medigap plan you have. This is your healthcare, and it makes sense to be confident about your coverage and how it works. Each policy comes with plan information and will break down in excruciating detail all of the advanatages and disadvantages of your plan.
Our job as agents is to listen and ensure you are getting the best coverage for your specific situation. Keeping a current doctor consistently ranks among the greatest concerns of all Medicare beneficiaries. And with right information and most suitable plan, you will be able to avoid losing your current doctor.
There are two types of coverage. Both have advantages and disadvantages, but it is crucial to pin down precisely what you are trying to accomplish with your personal coverage selection.
Medicare Supplement
Around 98% of ALL doctors in the country will accept Original Medicare with a supplement. Not only does this mean you can keep your current doctor, but you are able to travel with your insurance and know it will be there when and if you need it, wherever you are.
Medicare Advantage
Because Medicare Advantage plans work more like group coverage, there are private companies involved. These companies strive to have the most extensive networks available, but sometimes certain doctors and hospitals are not included in the network. Usually, this is not an issue as there are many providers available in most areas to ensure your doctor is available in the network of the Medicare Advantage provider selected.
If you have a primary care doctor before you become eligible for Medicare, and now you are deciding which Medicare Advantage plan is most suitable for you, probably there will be an option of keeping your current doctor. Just ask him/her which Medicare Advantage provider network they belong. With that information you will be able to select Medicare Advantage plan from that exact provider if you want to keep your PCP.
If you do not have your primary care doctor in the moment of choosing Medicare Advantage plan, you will be required to select one, and that is, as mentioned before, one of the most important decisions. So you would probably want to take some recommendations from your friends or family to find someone who provides high-quality services and who makes you comfortable. You can review your plan and based on provider`s website you can make a little search to find the best ranked primary care doctors in your area. Before making a final decision, it is best to check the doctor outside of his in-network websites, so do a Google search, find blogs and experiences of the others, compare doctors between each other, and finally make the call based od wide range of information. It is very important that you are satisfied with your primary care doctor and services.
Why would not I go with a Medicare Supplement if it is accepted everywhere?
A valid question, but with that convenience, a higher price tag is included where MA plans may be more cost-effective with comparable coverage.
If a higher monthly premium is no obstacle and you want peace of mind, a Medicare supplement would be, in most cases, the best option. Make sure to select the drug plan that best suits your needs and enjoy insurance freedom. On the other hand, if a higher monthly premium will create a burden or underwriting is an issue, then the Medicare Advantage plans are a great option. It will just require diligence on the part of the agent to ensure they have provided you with the best coverage and give you all the answers you need.
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