Anthem Medicare Supplement Plans

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In 2004, WellPoint Health Networks, Inc. and Anthem, Inc. merged to form Wellpoint, Inc. However, in 2014, the name was again changed to its current name Anthem, Inc.

Anthem is an industry giant with over 40 million members, and their products include life insurance, disability benefits, dental, vision, long-term care insurance and much, much more. 

Headquartered in Indianapolis, Indiana, Anthem, Inc. is an independent licensee of Blue Cross Blue Shield Association. 

Below is a review of Anthem Medicare Supplement plans for 2021.

Anthem Medicare Supplement Plans for 2021

Supplement plans are meant to “fill in the gaps” that aren’t covered by Medicare Parts A and B. Some of these gaps include coinsurance, deductibles, and co-payments. Supplement plans are standardized across the entire insurance industry, so you will receive the same coverage if you choose a plan with Anthem or another provider. 

In total, there are 10 plans, with all 10 carrying a different letter of the alphabet (Plan A, Plan B etc.). Plans H, I, E and J are no longer sold. Not every carrier offers all 10 plans, but every single carrier must offer Plan A. 

It is important to note that while you may have heard of Medicare Part A and Part B, these are not the same as Medigap Plan A or Plan B. 

Supplement plans provide varying levels of coverage, but each lettered plan must have the same standardized level of coverage regardless of location or insurance company. 

For example, Medigap Plan G in Florida should have the same benefits as Medigap Plan G in New York. However, if you live in Minnesota, Massachusetts, or Wisconsin, the insurance options differ from the other states. 

Anthem Medicare Supplement Plan F

Anthem does offer Plan F. The benefits are the same as all other Plan F options from other carriers. Plan F will cover:

  • Part A deductiblesPart B deductibles
  • Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF) care coinsurance
  • Foreign travel emergency care
  • Part B excess charges
  • Part B precautionary care coinsurance

Anthem Medicare Supplement Plan G

Plan G covers all of the same benefits as Plan F, excluding Part B excess charges that you may incur from a doctor’s visit.

Plan G is the second most popular plan due to its low premiums and relatively high benefits. Plan G also includes coverage for any foreign travel and Medicare preventative care Part B coinsurance. 

Anthem Medicare Supplement Plan N

Plan N is the third most popular plan. This plan is slightly cheaper than Plan G because it does not cover Part B deductibles or excess charges. Plan N comes with low co-pays for emergency room visits, as well as some regular office visits. 

Seniors with tablet going over Anthem Medicare Supplement Plan.
Supplement plans are meant to “fill in the gaps” that aren’t covered by Medicare Parts A and B.

Anthem Enrollment and Eligibility

Enrollment in Medicare Parts A and B are required before you can qualify for Anthem Supplemental plans.

The best time to enrol in any plan is during the Open Enrollment Period. This period begins on the first day of the month after you turn 65 and have registered for Part B. The enrollment window is only six months. 

While the Enrollment Period is open, you will have a guaranteed-issue right to enrol in any locally available plans. No insurer can deny you coverage based on pre-existing conditions by law, though a waiting period may apply. 

Should you fail to enrol during the Open Enrollment Period, you may be denied coverage or end up paying higher premiums for your coverage, depending on your medical history. 

Anthem Medigap Rates

Rates vary from year to year and depend on many factors. While federal law mandates that the same benefits be issued for the same plans from all providers, the premium rates for policies differ. 

Due to differing policy rates, insurance experts strongly advise that you look around the market and find the best plan to suit your needs. 

As was just mentioned, premium rates vary for a multitude of reasons. Some of the reasons are:

Issue-age: plans will partially base their premiums on your age at the time you registered for the policy. The younger you were when you registered for the plan, the lower your premiums will be. 

Community no-age-rated: Under community plans, premium charges are the same, irrespective of your age. 

Attained-age: Similar to the issue-age, attained-age policies base their premiums on your age when you first bought the plans. The difference is that, under an attained-age policy, premium rates increase as you age. 

It is important to remember that, despite the rating method used, premiums may increase over time due to reasons like inflation. Rates also differ by state. Plans in Medicare Supplement plans in Michigan will not cost the same as plans in Ohio. 

Anthem Rate Increases

Rate increases are determined both by specific states and specific policies. Thus, all Plan G Supplement plans issued by Anthem in one state will see the same increase. Likewise, all Plan F policies from Anthem will have a separate rate increase. While precisely predicting rate increases is nearly impossible, brokers and agents can make educated estimates.

For example, Indiana saw average rates increase 2.6%, but other states saw increases both higher and lower than that. Again, to ensure your best coverage, contact one of our agents. 

While Anthem is a subsidiary of Blue Cross, the Medigap plans are sold separately. In addition to Medigap plans, Anthem also offers SilverSneakers, as well as several other programs to help you save for your dream retirement and keep you healthy as well. Anthem is rated A+ by the BBB and boasts an A rating from AM Best. 

Many of Anthem’s Part C plans come with added benefits such as vision, prescriptions, dental, and hearing. Some plans may even cover wellness programs and over the counter benefits. Medicare Advantage plans sometimes earn the reputation as being “all-in-one” plans. However, Medicare Advantage is not for everyone. Certain plans may come with lower premium rates, but your costs go through the roof when you do get sick. Make sure you talk to one of our agents to find which plan is right for you. 

Anthem Medicare Preferred PPO

Similar to other Part C insurance companies, Anthem offers multiple Advantage plan options. Some of these options include Maintenance Organizations, Preferred Provider Organizations (PPO), and Special Needs Plans. A PPO plan lets you use doctors outside of the plan’s network, though you may pay more for this benefit. 

Additional FAQs

  • Is Anthem Blue Cross the same as Medicare
  • Anthem Blue Cross is an HMO plan that has a Medicare contract.
  • What is Anthem Senior Advantage?

Anthem Senior Advantage, or ASA, is a Medicare+Choice contract with a health maintenance organization. Once enrolled, Anthem pays a fixed fee to administer your healthcare benefits. With Anthem, your Medicare dollars typically go farther due to Anthem’s extensive, nationwide network of doctors and hospitals agreeing to lower medical costs. 

How to Compare Anthem Medigap Premiums Near You

To review rates for an Anthem Medicare Supplement plan and compare other rates with top carriers in your area, fill out the online rates form.

To get a sense of how Anthem Medicare Supplement plan rates compare to other plans in your area, contact us today. One of our licensed agents will contact you with the most current rates in your area based on the information you provide. This will include Anthem Medicare Supplement quotes if applicable. Don’t hesitate to pick up the phone and call the number provided above.

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